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What Do I Do If I’ve Cracked a Tooth?

cracked teeth

What Do I Do If I’ve Cracked a Tooth?

As we continue to age, our teeth become more susceptible to damage and wear. This often occurs when one is not practicing proper dental hygiene and care. A cracked tooth could wind up being a total nightmare for you if you do not handle the situation immediately and effectively.

Cracked teeth lead to many dental problems. Early identification and action on the matter prevent it from spiraling out of control. 10%-39% of dental injuries in children are because of sports, particularly chipped and broken teeth, as per the AAPD. Below you will get to learn how you are supposed to deal with cracked teeth.

Crack Occurrence

The crack usually affects the molars as they encounter a lot of force during the chewing process. Cracked teeth occur because of eating hard foods and chewing ice. The constant grinding of teeth can also cause it. It may be impossible to tell the exact time that your tooth cracks because it may not be painful. However, if you feel pain or your teeth suddenly become sensitive when drinking hot or cold drinks, you are likely to have cracked teeth. At this point, you should go see your dentist.

Treatment of a Cracked Tooth

It is important to note that regular dental checkups are essential because a tooth crack is hard to detect. Such dental problems can easily be detected and corrected by your dentist during the regular checkup, preventing them from developing further.

However, if the crack on your tooth has developed further beyond the enamel, there is a high chance of it getting an infection. The treatment administered depends on the extent of damage caused by the crack. Your dentist may end up adding a crown, root canal, or extracting the tooth completely. The fitting of a crown on the cracked tooth means that the extent of damage is not bad. The tooth needs to be filled. A root canal is used when the tissue in the cracked tooth is damaged and needs to be removed to prevent the infection from spreading further. Extracting the cracked tooth is the last result. This usually signifies that the tooth is beyond repair and cannot be salvaged.

Take Care of Your Teeth

Teeth are an important part of the dental structure. This is why it is important to visit the dentist for regular checkups or even when you experience the slightest discomfort. If your teeth develop sensitivity to hot and cold drinks, this is a clear indication that a problem is developing. The dentist gets to correct the problem in time, preserving your beautiful smile and alleviating any pain or discomfort. Proper dental hygiene and care also go a long way in preventing you from having cracked teeth. Reach out to Hudson Family Dental to schedule a cleaning.