Surprising Facts About Your Teeth
Your Smile Matters
Your teeth are one of the most important things on the human body. Not only do they allow you to chew up your food to reduce choking risk and aid easier digestion, but they can also change your total appearance. Your smile is one of the first things that is noticed about you when meeting someone new. The health of your teeth can totally change someone’s view of you. That is why it is so incredibly important to take great care of your teeth and visit a dentist regularly. It is their job to keep your pearly whites looking healthy and feeling amazing.
Some Facts
There are some interesting facts about dentists and your oral health that you may not have realized in the past. For example, did you know that the average time a person waits for another dental appointment is three years? Yes, three years. Isn’t that insane? Cavities can form quickly leading to serious tooth problems. That must be why at least 1 in 5 Americans have one or more untreated cavities. That is a lot of cavities that are hitching a ride in mouths across the globe! Untreated cavities can lead to more serious treatment needs including dental crowns, tooth extraction, and a root canal. Untreated cavities will never go away on their own and will only continue to worsen until it is treated.
Good Oral Hygiene Starts Young
As a parent, it is our job to do what is best for our children. We want them to grow up to live the best lives possible, and teaching them good oral hygiene can help make that possible. Children need to brush their teeth two times a day and floss once a day, and be seen by a family dentist every 6 months. Children that have poor oral health are 3 times more likely to be absent from school due to dental pain. Another shocking fact that many parents do not realize is that over 40% of children have dental cavities by the time they reach kindergarten. Crazy, right? Teaching your child good oral hygiene from the moment that their first tooth pops through will save them a lot of trouble in the future. Routine checkups with a dentist will also help protect the child from developing dental anxiety. Many adults suffer from this due to poor oral hygiene habits as a kid.
Taking care of your teeth should be a priority in your life. Neglecting your smile can cause you a tremendous amount of pain and suffering in the future. Brush your teeth at least two times a day, and floss every night. Not only will your smile look amazing, but your teeth and gums will thank you as you age.