Common Dental Emergencies
Dental emergencies can be a nightmare. They may occur anytime and are often completely unexpected. Even so, they need to be attended to as soon as possible. For example, you may crack a tooth. According to Medical News Today, you should rinse your mouth with warm water if this happens. You should also put a cold compress on your face to help keep swelling down. However, you still need to go to the dentist to have the issue properly fixed. Here are some common dental emergencies where you should see a dentist right away.
Lost Dental Fillings
Dental fillings can solve lots of problems. Unfortunately, they can sometimes come off. If this happens, you should call your dentist about emergency dental services as soon as possible. If your filling comes off, it will need to be replaced. This is because a lost filling can cause inflammation, pain, bleeding, and infection. It can also corrupt or compromise your teeth. If you leave your tooth without a filling for long, you may end up having to do a root canal or other additional dental treatments to save the tooth.
Bleeding and Trauma
There are quite a few things that can lead to trauma and bleeding in the oral cavity. For instance, your child’s tooth could get knocked out while they are out playing. Bleeding can get out of control when teeth are knocked out due to physical trauma. It’s possible to save a permanent tooth if you see a dentist immediately. However, not every tooth can be inserted back into the socket. The dentist will need to examine the tooth and determine the best course of action.
Constant Toothache
Dental pain can be quite stressful. When one or several of your teeth are constantly throbbing, it can be a sign of infection. While it may not be obvious at first, you should treat this as an emergency. If you are having unrelenting pain, call your dentist about emergency dental services as soon as you can so that the issue can be resolved. A dentist will examine your teeth and come up with the best treatment approach.
These are some dental emergencies you need to be aware of. You should contact your dentist about emergency dental services as soon as possible if you are dealing with any of the issues above. Contact Hudson Family Dental today if you are looking for reliable emergency dental services.