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A curation of dental innovations, helpful tips and other useful information.
family dentist

Dental Advice for Kids Who Play Sports

Playing sports offers plenty of benefits for children, like learning to work as a team. However, it can also result in dental injuries if your kids aren't careful (and even sometimes when they are). Kids already undergoing dental treatments may have to take special precautions...

family dentist las vegas

How a Family Dentist Benefits You for Life

Maintaining oral health is work, even more so when managing a family. Luckily, you and your family can benefit from a family dentist who can serve all of you. Here are some ways your local family dentist Las Vegas loves can benefit you for life. Convenience A...

family dentistry

3 Qualities That Are Important in Family Dentistry

It’s crucial for families to work with dentists to ensure that every member enjoys great oral health. If your children or other members of the family suffer from poor oral health, it can cause a lot of issues and result in expensive medical bills. Fortunately,...

root canals

The Lasting Benefits of a Root Canal Procedure

Root canal procedures often evoke fear and anxiety in patients due to their reputation for pain and discomfort. However, it's essential to debunk these misconceptions and highlight the lasting benefits of a root canal procedure. According to East Carolina University, more than 41,000 root canals...

root canal

How Do Root Canals Work?

When people hear the words "root canal," they might feel a bit of fear. That's partly because popular media, like television shows or commercials, portray it negatively. It's one of the most common procedures in this country, with 15 million of them being performed annually,...

emergency dental services

How to Tell if Your Wisdom Teeth Will Need to Be Removed

If you haven't had your wisdom teeth removed yet, you'll want to avoid having them taken care of through emergency dental services. It's always better to have this procedure taken care of during a scheduled appointment. According to Vox, an estimated five million people have...