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How to Relieve Tooth Pain Before Seeing Your Dentist

local family dentist

How to Relieve Tooth Pain Before Seeing Your Dentist

Tooth pain can be so severe that it can become debilitating. You may find it hard to focus, limiting your productivity. Most people would head to their local family dentist, but your dentist may not be able to get you in immediately. This is especially true if you require a more invasive procedure like a root canal. According to East Carolina University, over 15 million root canals are performed yearly. Here are some things you can do for relief while you wait for the dentist to fit you into their schedule.

Over-the-Counter Medication

Over-the-counter medication can provide temporary relief. Ibuprofen or Tylenol can help reduce inflammation and the pain that comes with it. Particular ointments can help numb specific areas of your mouth, providing temporary relief. However, speaking with your dentist about the best treatment options for tooth pain is essential. Consult with them to ensure you aren’t taking any combinations that could cause an adverse reaction.

Cold Compresses

Cold compresses are a great way to help reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain. Pick up an ice pack at the store, or make your own with crushed ice. Remember not to apply ice directly to the skin. Instead, put a towel between your face and the ice pack to ensure your face doesn’t get too cold. Something to bear in mind is that this only works if the pain is in the outside portion of the gum. The inside portion can’t be reliably reached.

Natural Remedies

Several natural remedies can help you find relief from tooth pain. As ever, make sure to consult your local family dentist before trying them. A saltwater rinse is a common home remedy to reduce swelling. Mix half a teaspoon of salt in an eight-ounce glass of water and swish the saltwater in your mouth. You can repeat this as often as you like. Peppermint tea bags can also reduce inflammation. Steep the tea bags like you’re preparing them as usual, then allow them to cool down. Afterward, place them in the affected area for 10-15 minutes.

Scheduling an appointment with your local family dentist is the best way to treat tooth pain. A professional will perform a thorough evaluation to help determine the underlying cause. If you’re in pain or need other dental services, contact Hudson Family Dental to schedule an appointment today.