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3 Common Myths About Root Canals Debunked

root canal

3 Common Myths About Root Canals Debunked

So, you’ve been told that you need a root canal. While this procedure can be quite intimidating, and yes, occasionally uncomfortable, it’s not something that you have to be afraid of. It’s one thing to say that and another to understand the myths surrounding root canals. The issue with root canals is that when you need one, you really need it. Right now, tooth decay is twenty times more common than diabetes and five times more common than childhood asthma. And one of the only ways to properly combat tooth decay is through a root canal. With that being said, let’s debunk some of the most common myths surrounding root canals.

1. Root Canals Are Painful and Complicated

One of the most common myths surrounding root canals is that they’re highly painful and require many visits to the dentist. While this may have once been true, technology has advanced to the point that root canals are quite routine for dentists. A root canal can usually be accomplished in one or two visits to the dentist. Additionally, anesthetic and technology can be used to cut down the amount of work required for a root canal, as well as the amount of pain caused. Most root canals today don’t hurt any more than a standard dental filling would.

2. Pregnant Women Can’t Undergo Root Canals

Many pregnant women forego root canals because they believe it’s not safe for them. Although a root canal does require a small x-ray, this x-ray is aimed at the mouth and is very unlikely to affect the fetus. Otherwise, the procedure is completely safe for both the mother and the fetus.

3. If It Doesn’t Hurt, It Doesn’t Need a Root Canal

If your toothache is extremely painful, you may very well need a root canal. But not all conditions that lead to root canals are excessively painful. This is why it’s important for you to visit the dentist regularly. A dentist can catch an underlying issue before it gets out of hand.
Make sure that you see your dentist on a regular basis, to avoid needing a root canal. But rest assured that if you ever need a root canal, Hudson Family Dental will take great care of you.